Entertainment Affair

Pepe Aguilar - El Album "Bicentenario"

by EAStaff | November 16, 2010

Entertainment Affair attended Pepe Aguilar's press conference held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) on November 16, 2010.  The press conference was held to introduce his new album, "Bicentenario" which was released today!  Pepe stated that his album "Bicentenario" is his tribute to the Mexican culture.  The press conference was held at the Olmeca exhibition room, which is the first exhibition on the West Coast to introduce sculptures created by the oldest civilization in Mexico.

Pepe Aguilar, who is considered a legend in the music industry, is also one of the most talented and influential individuals in the Latino industry.  Pepe has won 5 GRAMMY awards which have included 3 traditional GRAMMY awards and 2 LATIN GRAMMY awards. This year he has decided to release his new album, “Bicentenario”, which is composed of iconic Mexican songs.  Some of the songs included in this album are; “Cucurrucucu Paloma”, “Adelita”, and "Que Bonita Es Mi Tierra".  In his selection of songs, Pepe used songs that were interpreted by his father, Antonio Aguilar,  and his mother, Flor Silvestre.  Some of his other selections were chosen based on the fond memories he had of these songs.  "Bicentenario" gathers the fundamentals of Mexican music which represent songs in different genres like “ranchera” and “banda”.

 During the press conference, Pepe was happy to inform that he has recently signed his mother to his record label.  When asked if she was his first artist, Pepe jokingly stated "No, yo soy mi primer artista"!, which means "No, I am my first artist"!  Pepe also spoke about his three children who also inherited the families artistic aptitudes.  Pepe envisions his eldest son to be involved in the managerial aspect of the industry, while predicting that the others will become singers.

 Pepe demonstrated that he is very true and invested in his Mexican roots by briefly talking about the current situation which the country is facing.  Pepe mentioned that he is saddened by the current state of the country; adding that he experienced a different kind of Mexico.  The release of his album "Bicentenario" in 2010 is special due to the Centenario of the Mexican Independence and Bicentenario of the Mexican Revolution.

 Entertainment Affair definitely recommends "Bicentenario"!!!  In its first day of release, it is already one of the most downloaded albums on itunes!  Felicidades Pepe!!!

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